Kuni Ichiko
Insight 115 (Rank 1)
Crab Clan
Kuni Family
Kuni Shugenja School

Honor 2.5 – Glory 1.0 – Status 1.0

Air 2 - Awareness 3
Earth 2 - Willpower 3
Fire 2 - Intelligence 3
Water 2 - Perception 3
Void 2

Advantages: Absolute Direction, Higher Purpose

Skills: Calligraphy* 1, Defense* 1, Hunting 1, Investigation 2, Kenjutsu 1, Lore: Maho 1, Lore: Shadowlands* 3, Lore: Theology * 1, Sleath 1, Tessen 2

Outfit: Robes, Wakizashi, Knife, Scroll Satchel, Traveling Pack, 3 koku

Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, Minor Binding, Jade Strike, Tomb of Jade, 2 Fire, and 1 Water

* * *

As a child, Kuni Ichiko listened to the tales of Kuni witch hunters with fascination. They seemed so noble to her - travelling lonely roads and empty wastelands, protecting the weak from the terrors of the night. She knew that one day she would join their ranks, for none but the Kuni ever became witch hunters. Ichiko studied her spells and helped her master with his experiments, preparing dilligently to become one of the chosen few. When she came of age, she journeyed to the Kuni symposium every year, praying that they would select her.

They never did.

Year after year, Ichiko passed over membership; year after year she tasted bitter disappointment. She would leave each symposium dejected, forced to deter her dream again and again. Finally, her gempukku ceremony arrived, signaling the end of her eligibility. She was a Kuni shugenja now and forever, and could never be anything more. Ichiko cried herself to sleep that night, convinced her life was no longer worth living.

But she didn't give up. Leaving her master behind, Ichiko set out alone, determined to become a witch hunter in deed if not in word. She traveled the length and breadth of Rokuganm pursuing rumors of ghosts, maho, unholy hauntings. Sometimes, she found nothing; other times, the horrors were all too real. But always, her spells and her heart more than made up for her lack of "proper" witch hunter training. She knew enough to send those terrors screaming back to their masters, and the villagers she saved were too grateful to care about her credentials.

In time, it no longer mattered what she was trained in, and the sting of rejection soon faded. It no longer mattered whether they had accepted her or not. Ichiko is a hunter in almost every sense of the word, and the battles she fought were as breathtaking as she imagined. Destiny, it seems will not be deterred - not even by the Kuni.
Soshi Magistrate (Basic School, Bushi)
Benefit: +1 Agility
Skills: Athletics, Defense, Intimidation (Control), Jiujutsu, Kenjutsu, Lore: Underworld, any Bugei skill
Honor 2.5
Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 weapon, Traveling Pack, 5 koku

Rank 1: The Face of Justice
You gain a +1k0 bonus to the Intimidation skill; when you use it against someone of lower Status Rank than yourself, the bonus is +2k0 instead. You also gain a +1k0 damage bonus with melee attacks.
Rank 2: Rise to Meet the Challenge
Any time your are Prone, you may take a Free Action to roll Athletics/Agility at TN 20 to regain your feet. You gain a +1k1 bonus to any roll made to control a Grapple.
Rank 3: The Magistrate's Cut
In a skirmish, once per opponent, by successfully making three Raises for a Called Shot on a melee attack you may temporarily Blind a foe. They are considered Blinded until the Reactions stage of the following Round.
Rank 4: Certainty of Purpose
You may make melee attacks (including unarmed attacks) as Simple Actions rather than Complex Actions.
Rank 5: Relentless Resolve
Once per skirmish, you may gain extra unkept dice equal to your Intimidation skill rank on your attack rolls for one Round. This technique cannot be used in the Center Stance.