A young crab soldier crashes thru the brush.  From behind him, sounds of tree branches and roots  getting crushed fills the forest.  The soldier does a quick scan of the clearing, smirks and quickly then turns around to face the source of the noise.

As soon as he does, a huge Shadowlands Ogre, roughly eight feet tall, crashes thru the treeline. The bestial humanoid pushes aside the last of the trees with its massive limbs - spit flying out of its mouth filled with tusk-like fangs as it lets out a roar towards the human.

[Kkonminam's fear check:  3k3 [8][8][5] = 21 vs 20

Ogre gets into a full attack stance
Kkonminam gets into an attack stance

Initiative is rolled - reflex + insight / reflex

Ogre: 4k3 [10,2][9][4] = 25
Kkonminam:  7k4 [10,1][8][7][5] = 31

Kknonminam spends a void point to increase his TN
Kknonminam knife-attack, 3 raises:  11k5 [9][8][7][7][7] = 38 vs TN 30, hit
Kknonminam knife-damage:  10k2 [10,7][9] = 26, reduction 5 = 21]

Kkonminam pulls out one of his tantos and performs a quick kata to focus himself, trying not to think that he's facing one of the Shadowland's abominations.  Nodding to himself, he then runs to close in the distance between him and the ogre. Just as the ogre rushes in and raises its own weapon, he side steps towards the left  -  away from the creature's arm with the club.  He swerves and slashes at the creature's hamsting as he passes.  The attack connects and pierces the ogre's skin, drawing greening blood.  Hiruma training kicks in and he puts on more weight on the weapon severing several tendons as he steps aside.

[Ogre club-full attack, +5 wound penalty:  7k4 [10,5][6][6][6] = 33 vs TN 40, miss]

Blinded by rage, the ogre brings down its weapon hard towards the Yasuki but the latter has already backflipped away before the club hits its target.

Kkonminam ends his flip and slides back towards the point where he started -  his body tense and ready to spring back towards the fight.

"Mind if I tried a round with it, Kkonminan-san?"

From behind, another crab soldier steps out from the trees behind and into the clearing to join the Yasuki.

Kkonminam stands up and sheaths back his tanto.

"He's all yours Ryu-san.  I was just bait after all."

Shadowlands Ogre

AIR: 1             EARTH: 3     FIRE: 3  WATER: 2
REFLEXES 3 STAMINA 6 -              STRENGTH 6
Initiative: 4k3 
Attack: Club 5k4 (Complex)
Damage: 8k2 (reversed tetsubo)
Armor TN: 25
Reduction: 10 
Wounds: 20: +5; 40: +10; 60: +15; 80: Dead
Taint Rank: 3
Special Abilities:
c Fear 2.
c Huge.

AIR:  3         EARTH:  3  FIRE:  4       WATER:  3         VOID:  4
REFLEX: 4                      AGILITY: 5  STRENGTH: 4            

HONOR: 2.5  STATUS: 1.0 GLORY: 1.0  INFAMY: -

Schools/Rank:  Hida Pragmatist 3

Skills:  Athletics 4, Defense 3, Hunting 2, Jiujutsu (Improvised Weapons, Martial Arts) 5, Kenjutsu, Lore: Shadowlands 2, Stealth 4


Rank 1: The Eternal Stone Unleashed
The Pragmatist is taught to endure terror and humiliation while killing his enemies with anything he can find. You gain a bonus of +1k0 to any roll made to resist Intimidation or Fear effects. You also gain a bonus of +1k0 to the total of your attack and damage rolls when fighting unarmed or with improvised weapons. However, you must always keep high dice with any attack rolls or damage rolls that benefit from this Technique.

Rank 2: Wearing Down the Mountain
At this rank the Pragmatist learns to strike repeatedly at the same point, wounding even powerful opponents. When fighting unarmed or with an improvised weapon, you may make the Extra Attack Maneuver for only 3 Raises instead of 5.

Rank 3: Fury of the Avalanche
At this rank the Pragmatist learns to fight just as well with his bare hands or whatever is available to him as with the traditional weapons of the samurai. You may make attacks as a Simple Action when fighting unarmed or with an improvised weapon, or when wielding a Samurai keyword weapon.

Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Heavy Weapon or Polearm, Traveling Pack, 3 koku
- - - 

AIR:  4  EARTH:  3      FIRE:  4       WATER:  3         VOID:  3
              STAMINA: 4  AGILITY:  5 PERCEPTION:  4

HONOR: 4.5  STATUS: 1.0 GLORY: 1.0  INFAMY: -

Schools/Rank:  Hiruma Bushi 2/Hida Knife-Fighter 1

Skills:  Athletics (Swimming, Throwing) 4, Hunting (Survial, Tracking) 3, Kenjutsu (Katana) 1, Kyujutsu 1, Lore: Shadowlands 2, Stealth 4, Knife (Tanto) 5


Rank 1: Torch's Flame Flickers
The Hiruma learns to focus his strikes even while protecting himself, perfecting the penetrating quality of his blow without sacrificing his defense. While you assume the Attack Stance, you gain a bonus of +1k0 to the total of all attack rolls. You are skilled at survival and can make all food, water, and jade rations last twice as long for a number of people equal to your Hunting Skill Rank.

Rank 2: Wolf's Little Lesson
Hiruma learn to dash in and out in a single motion. While you assume the Attack Stance, you add 5 to your Armor TN every time you hit with a melee weapon. This bonus may stack a number of times equal to your School Rank and lasts until the end of the current skirmish.

Rank 3:  One Blade, Both Hands
The Crab knife-fighting technique emphasizes using the empty hand to grasp, control, and distract the opponent, setting him up for the knife-hand to deliver the lethal blow. When fighting with one open hand and a tanto, you add +3k1 to your damage with tanto and may ignore all effects of your opponent's armor. (If your opponent is a creature with inherent Reduction, you may ignore 5 points of that Reduction.)

Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, 7 Knives, Traveling Pack, 3 koku
- - - 
Kkominam grew up in one of the remote Yasuki river villages.  He became a sailor and eventually joined the Hiruma Bushi.  He was eventually assigned to the wall together with his current party.