While the state of affairs within the boundaries of the Empire is as good as can reasonably be expected, there is a great deal amiss beyond its borders, far more than any samurai truly realizes. The region of space to the ‘south’ of the Empire is stripped bare of resources because another alien empire has already laid claim to everything of value, leaving once-verdant worlds in a state of almost complete desolation. This empire is smaller than that of Rokugan, moving constantly and occupying only a single system at a time, but it is warlike in a manner the Rokugani have yet to experience in another culture. Ironically, it is their rampant warlike nature and raging xenophobia that is their greatest similarity to the people of the Rokugani Empire, yet it is also this which will set them against the samurai with incredible fervor and passion. In terms of setting and campaign structure, this alien empire can be seen as a replacement for the hostile gaijin of the canonical Rokugani setting. Alternatively, they can become a vessel for the power of Jigoku to wage war against the samurai, either as directly controlled vassals, willing accomplices, or simply dupes and distractions to avoid the Empire realizing that another Day of Thunder is coming. (If Nazo is being employed in a campaign as the Champion of Jigoku, he will almost certainly deliberately provoke a confrontation with these beings in order to conceal his true agenda.) 

    The power of Jigoku, the Realm of Evil, has been largely dormant since the last and definitive defeat of the Shadowlands some five hundred years ago when the Festering Pit of Fu Leng was sealed forever. The demons of Jigoku have been biding their time since then, waiting for an opportunity to unleash their Spirit Realm’s war on the mortal world once again; the ancient Law of Daigotsu that restrained their actions has long since ended, of course. They have found a new weapon in a long-forgotten race of creatures: the Scarabs. The Scarabs were originally demons in the legends of the Ivory Kingdoms and the Senpet, encountered by Rokugan only in the Colonies of the late twelfth century and so quickly destroyed that they were but a footnote to the many other dangers of that place. However, their unique abilities make them far more dangerous in the fourth millennium. Scarabs look like humanoid man-sized versions of their namesake, covered in chitin and possessing large cutting claws at the end of each leg. They are surprisingly intelligent, and their complex mandibles give them fine manipulation ability. Their most dangerous aspect, however, is their ability to turn a human being into one of them in a matter of hours through a gruesome infection process. Considering the vast numbers of citizens in the Empire of Rokugan, the Scarabs can potentially spread at an incredible rate and pose an existential danger to all, even the Spider. Naturally Jigoku fully intends to unleash such a danger, and the loss of Hida Sedundus is only the first step in this campaign. 

    Finally, in preparation for the impending Day of Thunder, a terrible occurrence has taken place in an uncharted solar system far from anything the Empire has ever encountered. An ancient star on the brink of collapse has combined with a sinister ritual conducted by unknown parties (perhaps human, perhaps alien) to open a gateway to the Realm of Evil on a scale unprecedented in human history. The gateway is of such immense size that unthinkably large demonic entities, previously restricted to the depths of Jigoku, are now able to cross into the mortal realm. These creatures are as far beyond mere oni as the oni are above goblins, and they hunger for the destruction of all life, leaving only an empty universe ready to be filled with their spawn.

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