Previous editions of L5R RPG were tightly entwined with a constantly evolving world. The L5R Story Team crafts a cohesive tale of heroism and dastardly villains that is set to run its course during one arc of the card game (roughly two and a half years). The interactive story arcs often contain dynamic events that affect all of Rokugan. While this is exciting for the CCG players who are able to affect the direction of the story with tournament results, official canon could negate the story of the individual Game Master’s campaign. Those GMs could find themselves in a pickle if a crucial NPC in their campaign dies in the official story.

The continuing storyline also proved to be a bigger headache for players with each new edition of the RPG. The setting of First Edition describes the Emerald Empire two years before the Scorpion Clan Coup. Second Edition pushes the story forward to the Scorpion Clan Coup, altering details about the setting. While most players adjusted well to the change, those with Scorpion Clan samurai PCs had to figure out exactly how their character fit in when officially their entire Clan was banished. Third Edition changed the setting further by pushing it forward forty years! Players often deviated from the official timeline in their games, but they were forced to make minor adjustments to schools and paths to make the flavor mesh.

So, after conferring with my friend, AEG’s Senior Brand Manager Todd Rowland, the decision was made that the new edition of the core rules would be beholden to no storyline, but emphasize the setting in its most iconic state. No more fluff talking about who is fighting whom at any given point in time, no more mechanics tied to specific incidents in the timeline… none of that. The core rules are now yours to do with as you see fit, New Player. If that should be playing in the official storyline, we’re happy to help you with that. If it’s making your own way, then we’re giving you all the rules you need to make sure you can do exactly that. And as for you, Not-As-New Player, I hope you’ll have everything you’ve always wanted from the RPG this time around.

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