There are times when simple success is not enough. When a character needs to accomplish something truly spectacular, Raises are the means by which that can be accomplished. When a player declares he is making a Raise, he is choosing to voluntarily increase the TN of the task his character is attempting, by an increment of 5 per Raise. Raises are generally made when a player feels his character’s abilities will allow him to easily exceed the TN for a given task. The most common use of Raises is to allow characters to perform Maneuvers in combat (described later in this chapter), but individual GMs can allow any number of different effects with sufficient Raises. Players who wish to try unconventional or creative actions that are not covered by the basic rules should simply ask the GM how many Raises will be required to succeed.

A character can make a maximum number of Raises per roll equal to his Void Ring. A character with Void 2, for instance, can make 1 or 2 Raises per roll, but not 3. Some mechanical effects grant a character Free Raises. These give the benefit of having made a Raise without actually increasing the TN of the roll in question, and do not count toward the maximum number of Raises that may be made per roll. Free Raises may also be used to reduce the TN of the task being attempted by 5 instead of augmenting the roll in the same way as a normal Raise.

Raises are not without risk, however. If a player declares Raises on a roll, and the result of his roll fails to meet the new, increased TN, the roll fails. This is a failure even if the result of the roll meets the original TN but falls short of the new, increased TN.

Comments (2)

On October 11, 2010 at 3:00 AM , Chris Fox said...

Question: Some combat maneuvers require a lot raises, e.g. Disarm (3), or Extra Attack (5). Of course everyone knows how expensive it is to raise Void, so there is a good chance the PC would not be able to attempt these maneuvers until the character has advanced quite aways (w/c may take a very very long time).

Is the # of Raises = Void Ring rule absolute, or does it have some exemptions and can be tweaked?

On October 11, 2010 at 10:17 PM , Miguel Enrico Gonzales said...

That's an absolute rule. I think their goal is that only the more experienced characters can sucessfully perform such feats