Twenty Questions and Answers for Hageshi

Part I: Core Identity (Clan and Family)
1. What clan does your character belong to?
Ring Increase: +1 Water
Skill Increase: +1 Seafaring
Status: 25

2. What family does your character belong to?
The Families of the Fleet
Ring Increase: +1 Fire
Skill Increases: +1 Commerce, +1 Survival
Glory: 36

Part II: Role and School
3. What is your character’s role and school?
Storm Fleet Sailor School [Bushi]
Ring Increases: +1 Fire, +1 Water
Skill Increases: +1 Martial Arts (Melee), +1 Martial Arts (Ranged), +1 Fitness, +1 Seafaring, +1 Games
Techniques Available: Kata, Rituals, Shuji
Starting Techniques: Kata: Pelting Hail Style, Shuji: Stirring the Embers
Honor: 35
School Ability: Sailor's Fortune. Once per round, when making a Trade check and not Compromised, receive Strife up to School Rank to reroll that many dice.
Starting Outfit: Sailor's garb, wakizashi, knife, butterfly sword, sai , Yumi (bow), quiver of arrows, traveling pack, rope (20 feet), gambling set (cards), fishing rod and line.

4. How does your character stand out within their school?
Thoroughness, Patience, Calm
Ring Increase: +1 Earth

Part III: Honor and Glory
5. What is your character’s duty to their lord?
GIRI: Securing supplies and wealth for the Clan.

6. What does your character long for?
NINJO: Find out about his true parentage.

7. What is your character’s opinion of their clan?
While he agrees to the ambition of the Clan to be a Great Clan, he is divergent about Piracy being a focal point of the master plan.
Bonus skill: Courtesy

8. What does your character think of Bushido?
Sometimes impractical.
Bonus skill: +1 Commerce

Part IV: Strengths and Weaknesses
9 What is your character’s greatest accomplishment so far?
He is the reigning arm-wrestling champion of the docks in the city.
Distinction advantage: Bishamon's Blessing (Water).

10. What holds your character back the most in life?
As a gaijin baby on Mantis lands, most Rokugani still look down on him even after living with them for 2 decades.
Adversity disadvantage: Gaijin Appearance (Fire)

11. What activity makes your character feel at peace?
Nothing calms his soul better than a smooth boat ride down the bay or river.
Passion Advantage: Travel (Water)

12. What concern, fear, or foible troubles your character the most?
Having seen that money seemed to smooth his relationships with others better than any other thing, he has developed a desire to hoard currency and valuables.
Anxiety disadvantage: Materialism (Void)

13 Who has your character learned the most from during their life?
A kind uncle/mentor, a ship captain, taught him to always be prepared for any scenario because the high seas are a cruel and fickle mistress.
Mentor Advantage: Quick Reflexes (Fire)

14. What detail do others find most striking about your character?
Blond hair, sharp nose, chiseled face (and abs!).  He is big, muscular, and strong, and obviously a gaijin.  He wears a strange compass around his neck.

15. How does your character react to stressful situations?
When losing composure, Knotting cloth/rope, smashing things like punching a wall or crushing wood.

16. What are your character’s preexisting relationships with other clans, families, organizations, and traditions?
He is somewhat tolerated (but not much) in Mantis lands.  As a kobune merchant plying the coastal waters of the Crane and Clab clans, he has some contacts in the ports of call where he has docked and traded.  He has also periodically undertaken rescue and salvage missions for other clans for a nominal fee.  On one such occasion, he rescued a Kuni shugenja and his entourage from their floundering ship, ferried them to their destination, and waited to transport them out after their mission.  As a reward for his fidelity, he was given a finger of jade by the Kuni shugenja which he wears right to this day, both as a ward and as a good luck charm.

Part VI: Ancestry and Family
17. How would your character’s parents describe them?
He has a proper and reverent relationship with his adoptive mother and adoptive family.  Growing up as a gaijin was very hard because of the stigma and prejudice, but through the caring ways of his adoptive mother and uncles, he has learned to reduce his temper and not be prone to respond to insults.
Skill Increase: +1 Meditation

18. Who was your character named to honor?
An ancestor who captained a ship that single-handedly repelled a pirate raid on the city.  As a result, the Mantis swore that every succeeding generation of his family will be requisitioned a boat for use.
Samurai Heritage result: 1-Famous Deed (+3 Glory), 10-Boat (Mundane, Durable): the Karasubofu Maru

19. What is your character’s personal name?
Devlin.  This is the name in the name tag that was wrapped around him when he was fished out of the water by his adoptive mother, a Mantis clan samurai and kobune captain of some repute.

Part VII: Death
20. How should your character die?
Epic saving the world from some catastrophic event.

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